We start with celebrating your curiosity. You have an inquiry into Becoming Aligned. It feels good to be curious. Way to go!
If you want to start with physical alignment, select Rolfing SI to find out more information about how Rolfing Structural Integration can help you feel more balanced and aligned in your body.
Select Alignment Coaching to experience more confidence in your life with your mindset and choices. Alignment Coaching is about helping you be aligned with your core values and honoring your intuitive wisdom to be your best self.
Select BAM! Dance to start with some rockin’ tunes and evocative expression experiences. Be Aligned Movement Dance, BAM!, is a facilitated self-massage, self-Rolfing movement experience where you nudge, encourage, touch, manipulate, and shift your physical body into improved alignment within gravity while gettin’ down with your groovy self.
Select BOM to quiet your mind and explore your most basic intentions for yourself. BOM is a group processing meditation technique through which you can feel the support of your community to Become who you want to be.
Check out The Becoming Center blog for wonderful resources to support your alignment journey.
Not sure where to start? Let’s determine the best journey for you.
Text Betsy at 720-662-4349, Email betsydunn@thebecomingcenter.org, Or simply fill out the contact form below.
The Becoming Center champions your worthiness of exactly what you want for yourself.
The Becoming Center keeps an open, compassionate heart and honest, discerning eye on all of what makes you, you.
The Becoming Center makes it easy to make the necessary shifts for wholistic fulfillment.
About The Becoming Center
My name is Betsy Dunn. I am first and foremost a human curious about Being Human and secondly supremely passionate about exploring that potential with you! As a Rolfer, I use my hands to guide you and your body into optimal alignment and balance within the field of gravity. As an Alignment Coach, I gather light/information with you with which you can shine your brightest.