What is Rolfing Structural Integration?

Rolfing Structural Integration is a system of soft tissue bodywork and movement education developed by Dr Ida P. Rolf (pictured below left). The primary goal of Structural Integration is to restore the body to its natural state of alignment and balance by organizing the body along the line of gravity.

Who Benefits from SI?

Over time, injuries, emotional and/or physical trauma, and the accumulation of daily stress can bring your structure out of balance. Not being aligned with gravity wears on your system resulting in an experience of pain, discomfort, stiffness and fatigue. Anyone who would like to feel more supported and to move with more ease will benefit from Structural Integration.

Exploring the Benefits
of Rolfing SI

The Becoming Center-13

How it Works

To align the body, Structural Integration systematically organizes the body’s connective tissue network. Connective tissue (fascia) surrounds, supports and penetrates all muscles, bones, nerves, organs and blood vessels. Using the tools of observation, applied pressure, and movement education, coupled with active participation from the client, change is effected in the fascial matrix.

Improve your posture. balance. movement. |

A Session

Together with your practitioner, you will choose the course of bodywork best suited to your individual issues, concerns, and goals. Options include the traditional 10 series, a 13 session series including more specific movement education, a 3 or 5 session series, or perhaps one session at a time.

Each session lasts about an hour and 15 minutes. Sessions begin and end with structural and functional evaluations such as observation of the body in standing, knee bending, and walking. The client’s experience of Structural Integration varies with the depth of tissue contacted, the client’s degree of tension in that area of the body and the continuous negotiation of contact between the practitioner and client. Clients usually leave a session reporting a feeling of increased vitality.

The Ten Series

Dr. Rolf designed her cumulative process of Structural Integration as a 10 session series with each of the sessions building on the last and preparing the body for those to come. Each session includes structural analysis, direct manipulation of the fascial network, and movement education. Each session with its specific focus contributes to the overall goal of integration of the whole structure in relation to the field of gravity.

Skillful Touch Massage

Skillful Touch is a slow, soft tissue bodywork massage based on the principles of Structural Integration. The massage can vary from a lighter, more relaxing session to a deeper, more goal-oriented session depending on your particular needs.


Discounted packages will be available as follows;
Ten Series Plus (includes 3 movement based sessions) $1790
Ten Series $1380
5 session package $700
3 session package $425
Individual sessions, 75 minutes $145

Credit card surcharge added if you use a cc to pay.

Becoming Integrated.


Get Started

The most powerful light
is already within you.
Let’s turn it on!

150 Old Laramie Trail E
Ste 210, Office 5
Lafayette, CO 80026

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